The definition of a true friend is one who will tell you what you need to be told in any given situation. They will not sugar-coat the issue to protect feelings, nor will they put a bandaid on the issue for a temporary fix. No, a true friend will tell you exactly what the problem is, exactly how to permanently fix it, and then if yall have made it this far into the conversation without you blowing up because you were faced with the truth; a true friend will then take you by the hand and tell you that they are there with you until the end, to fight the fight, to get you through the current storm at hand. Even if you choose to not listen to a single word they say and you storm off angry. That true friend will give you your space, time to think things over, and will still be willing to discuss the situation with you, when you are ready.
My friend Ananda never hesitates to call me out on something when she knows that I am wrong.
by MoThErOfFouRcHiLdReN January 28, 2017
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A friend is someone who actually gives a fuck about you when no one else does.
I don't know where I would be without my friend George.
by bobberto February 18, 2012
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God's way of apologizing for the family you're born with.
With friends like mine, who fucking needs a family?!
by MidNight The Magnificent January 12, 2010
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People that you think are your friends
But they really your enemies, with secret indentities
by katiiiiee xx January 3, 2008
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Bullshit response you get from girls/guys when they reject you after asking them out, only to be left sitting on your couch watching the TV thinking "Wait... That doesn't even make sense..."
"She likes me...
As a friend
Shes loves me...
As a friend
Shes Crazy about me!!!
As a friend! As a friend!"
by Mr. Goblin face May 30, 2004
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Here's the scoop, boys and girls. Women pidgeonhole men into two categories, Friend and Jerk. Men who are chivalrous, polite, sophisticated, etc. are instantly relegated to "Friend" status. Men who treat women like shit are "Jerks."

Women love Friends but consider them unfuckable because they are not masculine enough. Women hate Jerks because they are asswipes but fuck them anyway. Thus, every woman in the world fucks Jerks and then complains to her Friend about how badly the Jerk treats her.
Just more proof that women are totally irrational.
by Do I Have To Slap A Bitch?! September 22, 2004
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what women keep calling me
she just wants to be my friend...i am never leave my parents house agin...except for maybe the occasional everquest lan-party
by December 29, 2004
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