1. A fast carnivorous bird.

2. When an object, usually a ball, hits someone in the head. This is very different to a header (a soccer term used to describe the action of hitting the ball with one's head) as a header is intentional whereas a falcon is usually accidental. However if someone where to kick/throw/hit/fling an object at someone's head, it is still classified as a falcon, even though it was not an accident.
1. I tried to steal a falcon's eggs, but the mother saw me and chased me down the mountain.

2. During a game of soccer, John went for a header but it missed the top corner by a smidget. In frustration, he picked up the ball and kicked it aimlessly. The ball falconed the other team's goalie who then proceeded to pick up the ball in anger and falconed him back in revenge.
by teh_dee March 5, 2006
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Jim Mora, headcoach of the Falcons is attempting to change the definition of a football offense. Despite never having back to back winning seasons, Falcons fans are still cocky and ignorant. Michael Vick (RB) is their main weapon on offense. Occaisionally Jim Mora mixes up plays and has Vick throw the ball, but usually into the ground.

NFL defenses has figured out Atlantas scrambling offense, as long as Michael Vick is their direct-snap RB, they won't make it to the playoffs
Person A: Did you hear Great bay (1-7) beat the Falcons?
Person B: Yeah, shows how great their offense is.
by PBNation December 13, 2005
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The most overrated team in the NFL. The Saints will absolutely MURDER the Falcons this year and the Falcons will finish in last. Known for not selling out their stadium even if the team is in 1st. Charles Grant will kill Ron Mexico (a.k.a Mr. STD)
Dude #1:
Yo dude, lets go see the Falcons get crushed by the Saints today!
Dude #2: Yeah, there'll be enough tickets for me to invite about 20,000 friends!
by Saintsfan2106 June 20, 2005
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When you blow a lead so bad memes are created in your honor.
They Falconed the whole city of Atlanta when they blew a 28-3 lead in the Super Bowl versus the Patriots.
by Goonism101 July 18, 2017
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1. to lay down a beating from the air
2. When a falcon drops down to catch his prey
3. When a falcon excretes droppings upon an unsuspecting person
Nikola Pekovic got Falconized by Harrison Barnes in last night's game.
by ams0ul November 25, 2012
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unintentionally getting hit in the head by a ball of any kind
Jimmy gets hit in the head by a ball during football

Friend: HAHA Jimmy just got Falconed
by diked March 8, 2006
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FALCON A!! Teh mudkipz iz aftar mez!!!
by Patrick O February 3, 2008
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