1. A typically short girl, who makes up for her lack of height with her extreme beauty, hilarious sense of humour and outgoing nature.

2. Another word for a somewhat violent and openly bitchy girl who hates many people, but for good reasons, and is not afraid to voice her opinions.

3. Term used for a girl desired by many, but remains faithful to her one true love, even when he treats her like shit

4. Rare term used for someone holding a large grudge against a few certain others for obvious reasons, and would like to hurt them in various ways. See freya, hannah, sarah
1. Wow, I wish I could be like her, she's really em

2. She's got some guts, I would love to be as em as her, but I'm too scared.

3. Maria: I don't know how she puts up with it!
Hinvid: Well, she's an em I guess...

4. Oh my god, we need to avoid her, she's really em at us, we'll end up in hospital!
by emmelii March 26, 2007
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a shopaholic that owns an iphone and loves meeting new people &+ spends too much time on myspace
Did you see her at the mall? she is such a emely
by rawrcakes[: February 8, 2009
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Emely is the 2nd most beautiful person that you could meet. Shes sensitive and hot-headed, but can be totally sweet most of the time. She's very absent minded and dumb sometimes, but thats what makes her cute. She's not confident in herself even thought everyone wants to be her. She is a lazy person when she wants to be, and she has passion for things she truly believes in. shes also rlly hot like bro frfr.

and nobody can be her bestfriend accept me
Richard: Do you know Emely?

Greg: Yeah, Lucy's bestfriend, right?

Richard: Yeah! That's that one!

ToolaFaloola: she a hotty thotty when she on the potty tho>:3
by lindaandsusan4ever May 29, 2018
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The most beautiful girl in the world. Whenever you see her she brightens the whole room up even when she smiles. Never miss an opportunity with an Em because you will be missing out on your life seeing that she is very fun and outgoing but she also has a dark side of her that she only trusts certain people with. You will mainly see an Em hanging out with her guy friends or her girls. She needs someone to love & care for her even in the darkest of times. Never ever let go of an Em. You will regret it if you do.
Guy 1: OMG is that Em??
Guy 2: Yeah I heard that her boyfriend broke up with her. He will regret it TBH.
Guy 1: Yeah he will.
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Mark: Hey look Em is literally a God.

Kyle: tbh
by Hobissobrino June 22, 2020
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slang for them
by Nadine December 13, 2003
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the coolest bestest person in the world, my best friend, w/o her i'd be dead, hahaha control 5
I love em!!!!!
by Laura February 4, 2004
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