Elina. Elina is a gurlll who had a best friend that she left. Elina is beautiful and tall, her hair is amazing and all boys LUVVV her. She plays fortnite
boy 1: what r u doing?
boy 2: looking at ELINAA THE GODESS
by BB:) May 24, 2021
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The shortest person in the room, but the most loving one. The bossing-around brunette. An irregular nicotine enjoyer, who smokes only on parties, weekends and public holidays. Always cares about her looks and loves experimenting with her hair colour. She is there for her friends when they need her (the unpaid psychologist of the group).
-Why does your hair have every shade of brown? You look like such an Elina. ;

-Elina, would you pass me that pencil since you're down there?
by Maraika July 17, 2023
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They are the most beautiful person in the whole universe. They care about you and show you their emotions and their love for you. They are super confident but they also can be super insecure. They were everything for me and I will always love them. They a perfect with all their flaws.
Their smile makes every problem from you go anyway. Just by their presence they make your day light up. They are just the best thing in the world
,,Elina is just perfect.”
,,Did you saw Elina’s smile. Their smile is adorable.”
by Unknown._.0 November 22, 2021
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Elina is a quite, pretty and wonderful person.i dont really know her but i always wanted to be her friend (she seems so cool ‼️) in my opinion she should talk more and stop caring about what others think
Elina be yourself<3
by pen13 2000 April 23, 2022
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Elina is a wonderful person who does not deserve anything that has happened to her. Especially not the things that the people that she loved did to her. I hope she will have a great life without any toxic people.
„Have you heard that Elina and her best friend aren’t friends anymore?“

Wait what? But her friend still loves her!?“
by your brudi -m November 21, 2021
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Elina is quiet but smart. They love airplanes and photography, and can tell you about subjects they love for hours at a time. Elina is artistically very talented.
Omg, who drew that??
Mustve been an Elina!
by orangeocelots November 22, 2021
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She is the prettiest girl in the world.
She party’s a lot and is kinda an alcoholic but she lives her life like she wants to.
Every guy wants her.
Guy 1 :“Dude do you know who elina is?“

Guy 2:“ yeah ofc I know her I really like her and I wanna ask her out on a date.“
Guy1:“okay I think u would be rally cute together.“
by Iliketofucku November 22, 2021
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