A muslim with a bIG noSE
Cool cunt - "Oi elias u have a big nose"
Elias - *KABOOM*
by nourarwrrrxd March 28, 2018
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The Sexiest Man on earth, loved by all and the loveliest man on earth. He is a great kisser and is good at sex. He has and 8 pack and can give you a nice ride in his Lamborghini. He has shit parents, and often stays at his GirlFriend's house, to stay away from his parents. He is strong and defends his bae with words and physical combat, and will not let his bae be harmed. He is also very smart and often skips a year or two of school. However, there is a possibility of him being Transgender, Gender Fluid, or Gay. Those are often the most annoying ones, however smart they may be.
Some Hot and Sexy Girls: We love you Elias!
Elias *Thinks about Which one is the sexiest and grabs her and runs*
Girl: OMG! Elias wants to go out with me!
by MyDadIsAnAsshole November 24, 2018
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A really cool dude who everybody likes and has a talent in music , being a constant trouble and making a specific girl very happy :)
Ex. Person 1 : Hey ,you saw her?She is very happy today
Person 2 : Yeah,she probably met an Elias or something.
by poisongore!! August 30, 2020
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Thinks he's really funny. Likes to make fun of people and joke around. He thinks he get girls but can't. Not so talented
Hey look at that cute guy Elias

Are you talking about the non talented one.
by larrymcdonald8282 March 21, 2017
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The best brother I could have and he is super smart, he is also really good at basketball
by BIG Jb2007 January 9, 2020
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A guy who is typically rather sporty but very cocky and hates to lose. He brags about his medals even tho he’s got none. He also has a very hot sister. He falls when he skis and hurts himself
Elias sucks
Shut up Elias
by MikkelRamsay April 19, 2022
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