The act of zip lining into your lover's intimate parts.
Guy: Can I give you a Flying Dutchman?
Girl: Yummy, I want some of that!!!!
Guy: Here I come!!!!!!!!!!! (Zip lined into girls intimate parts)
by Raging_Pooper6547 December 13, 2014
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When you cup a potent fart then throw it at someone. A twist on the Dutch Oven.
I got Sam right between the eyes with a snowball, then he returned fire with a gnarley Flying Dutchman.
by Alexcellent-69 March 11, 2015
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found on the seceret menu at in-n-out burger, best burger joint in the world, only found in California, Arizona and Nevada (It's family owned and operated). It consists of meat and cheese only. A 2x2 flying dutchman is 2 meat and 2 cheese. A 3x3 is 3 meat and 3 cheese.
Whoa, Char just ate a 4x4 flying dutchman and now he's been in the bathroom for 2 solid hours!
by PCP from the MPC February 3, 2006
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when you fart, then walk away quickly so no one will think it was you who committed the foul deed
I was at this upscale banquet last night and had to perform a flying dutchman; I was so embarrassed! Good thing no one caught me.
by B123456 January 5, 2008
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A sexual act where the partners defecate on each others lips then they ejaculate onto each others mustache and then they proceed to eat each others mustache.
Cody enjoys performing the saucy dutchman when he hires male hookers.
by dug1988 July 28, 2009
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A DRUNKEN DUTCHMAN refers to someone on the toilet who sings like David Bowie while having diarrhea.
"Where's Harry?" - "Listen closely - hear the singin'?" -"Oh my god, he's being a drunken Dutchman again, ain't he?""
by PirateThePirate September 10, 2020
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The Squnity Dutchman is when you're fooling around with someone and you're about to do it, then somebody walks in the room and interrupts you when you have your shirt halfway off. Then they pretend to look away but really they're still looking at you, thus the squinting. This usually only happens when you're about to bone someone of dutch descent.
Girl #1: How did your date go yesterday?
Girl #2: Oh things were fine, until he told me his dad would be coming home any minute, and then right then, he gave me the squinty dutchman.

Girl #1: Oh lord. How very dutch of him.
by HulkTits March 29, 2010
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