The act of taking one's penis (las the burger) and wrapping ones ballsack around it (where the buns would be)
Pat whipped out his dick and stuck that damn cheeseburger in my face
by SuperstudentG February 25, 2003
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cheese·burg·er (cheez-bur-ger-ing)

Commonly used within the gaming community (in particular beat'em'ups) when two human competors are playing (not the computer, although come cases of computer cheeseburgering has occured)and one of the played uses the same move of combo over and over again. ultimatly winning the round.
1. Shooter, stop cheeseburgering that move, youre shit and this game

2. Dude cheeseburger the boss, you're almost beat!
by Redeck August 31, 2008
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A hot guy on the food scale of hotness (as follows)

veggie burger: kinda hot
turkey burger: almost hot
cheeseburger: hot
double cheeseburger: very hot
steak: so hot you could fry an egg on his washboard abs

A compliment used by girls to describe a guy.
Sarah: Did you see Ian? He's such a cheeseburger!
Jessica: I know right?! I'd totally go out with him!
by Kandero Zaitlini January 21, 2010
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chronic laced with crack. offshoot of hamburger which means marijuana.

a hamburger with cheese in it.
wanna blaze some good shit?
what a cheeseburger?
a what?
some chronic with crack son
oh fo sho
by culeto September 5, 2006
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Jake Shears' pet tortoise, given to him by his boyfriend for his birthday. Jake revealed to Q! Magazine that he feeds it calorie-controlled portions of lettuce for meals and he cried, overcome with emotion, upon recieving the gift.
"I heard the lead singer of the Scissor Sisters has a pet turtle."
"Nay, it's a tortoise. Called Cheeseburger an'all!"
by Sarah666 August 15, 2007
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Did you just cheeseburger?

One time, he was banging a chick, and stopped because she cheeseburgered.
by Meitsjustme_n08 February 15, 2009
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