a female's behind
a girl's butt
a woman's posterior
"man look at the chank on that thang"
by derf January 7, 2005
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The circle choke-wank (or chank) is when a group of men stand in a circle, wank off the person on the right with their right hand, and choke the person on the left with their left hand.
“Who needs a relationship with a woman, when I can circle chank with my bros.”

“Ever since my boyfriend started circle chanking with his friends, I’ve found it really hard to satisfy him.”
by generic male 68.5 January 6, 2021
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The act of spanking your chank while stir frying a cat in the wok
Ho C. is the craziest Chank Spank this side of Chinatown
by Chulo Master July 13, 2003
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Originating from the counter-strike sound made when hitting someone in the face from your asian spray
He killed me, but I ch4nked him, so ethan will probably get the kill.
by shift April 7, 2004
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brooooo, that party last night was sooooooo ssssssick!
ferrr suuuure brooooo, that party was most definitely chank!
by don'traykwon February 21, 2008
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A person who chases fat woman while listening to bon jovi and wearing a old beat leather jacket from the salvation army.
That fat chick was follwed by a Chank me rotti.
by sampson01 October 23, 2009
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