When you get fired because Covid tanked your company.
Yo! I had this sweet gig at Neiman Marcus. Then their business tanked. I got me a Covid-cation!
by Smarty Cat September 5, 2021
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What tweakers do when they leave to go somewhere really quick and eend up disappearing for 4-5 days. Finally when they come back they have no clue how long they were gone or what they did.
Tweaker: hey has anyone seen LT?

Joe: She left to get cigarettes 2 days ago and hasn't come back

Tweaker # 2: Yep, she took a meth-cation
by xEllTeex July 15, 2014
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a pale bean like nut, bad without salt

do you want a nut?

yeah a cation nut...
by batc0re March 4, 2021
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It is a self-preservation behavior triggered by feeling overworked. It happens when the number of tasks you need to complete for work exceeds the amount of time spent at work and you begin taking work home just to keep up. You hit a mental wall and procrastinating doing the work outside normal work hours becomes the only break you allow yourself to take.
They allowed themselves a short procrasti-cation by searching for the perfect shortbread recipe before responding to work emails before going to sleep.
by Lookingforsomethingbetter July 28, 2022
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Such as being in a cona referring to its a vacation . Thus a Coma-cation.
My kids have been testing me lately. I need a week long coma-cation ASAP.
by amihatesyou2 April 11, 2022
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