New slang term for Codeine. Originating in the Northeast.
Yo man, you got my CD
by a-dub524 March 9, 2007
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Person1: why are all those people gathering?

Person2: those are CDs
by Kinsyo kresko May 5, 2018
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You've been in a box the past decade if you dont know what a CD is
by dawn June 16, 2002
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The oldest fucking thing to ever be used to listen to music just buy a fucking Ipod and tell Karen to get her fatass of the couch and stop listening to cds
Get yo mother fucking ass of my couch and stop listening to your CD collection karen!
by Lemon drop dizzy January 18, 2017
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1. Hey, I bought a new Aerosmith CD!

2. Dude, you need to CD! ASAP! Bitch.
by Phoenix January 18, 2005
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Certificates of deposit
A type of account at a US bank
Savings, checking, savings and checking, CDs, Savings and CDs, Checking and CDs, Savings checking and CDs, TBills - Jim Carrey
by Kyle September 3, 2004
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