To betray or to be betrayed (burned)
Kane burned his team, and they died as a result.
by Asher613 November 17, 2007
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In the sixties, to get burned meant to get cheated - usually in a dope deal.
That lid was way short, man. All stems and seeds. I really got burned.
by Christopher Newton October 4, 2007
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(a) i have some weed, lets go burn.

(b) that kid is such a burn out.

(c) are we gonna burn today?
by hellokie December 29, 2010
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4. n. a data-written CD-R or CD-RW disc; referring to a burned CD
person 1: Hey, I heard that band you like re-released an old LP.
person 2: Yeah, I bought it but I'm not touching it 'til my burn warps.

Person 1: Have you seen my burn of AR's Maxwell show?
Person 2: Naw, but I got the Times Square and a Knitting Factory boot if you want me to burn'em for you.

Person 1: Where's that Joe's Pub burn? They want that poster printed by 4 pm.
by KiM_NJ April 30, 2006
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to make fun of; to diss in an extremely severe way
Courtney burned Chanie with evil comments about her "fabulous" cooking.
by chanie elizabeth April 14, 2008
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Nickname for the the town of Auburn, Washington, the single mother capitol of the world.
Actor Cam Gigandet grew up in The Burn
by FromTheBurn February 3, 2010
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