the duck off of blues clues...
hey whatever...i'm the only one that remembered his duck
steve"let's go play with boris!"
kids" -.- "
by Pyro3138 February 18, 2009
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A kickass metal band from Japan alternating between drone, sludge, stoner rock, groove metal, and sometimes hardcore. They have a shitload of albums, splits, eps, and collaborations with other bands. Not a pussy band like popular j-rock.
by Very Metal June 9, 2007
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Fat little cunt who can't lose a game. He blames the team every time even if there isn't one. He is a one salty shit
Borys you pilock .
by Buuquefuss March 21, 2018
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Short For Boricua .
Chica's are called bori.
When your lazy and dont want to say boricua
Hell yeah im a bori.
Boricua .
by brie June 9, 2005
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poop, feces, waste, turd, etc etc
I was busting for a shiit so i thought for the first time ever id use the public toilets. i walk in there and there was only 2 toilets in there, both taken. so i stood by the sink holding in this mega boris. all i could think about was how good this will feel after i unleash the demon within, and while standing i could slowly feel the head leave its mark on my undies. 5 minutes pass and im still waiting in the quiet, listening to grunting and the 'plop' sound of the boris hitting the water. i couldnt hold this in any further, so i had to sya something. "how long will you guys be?". no answer. "i need to **** real bad i can feel it coming". "shutup and wait your turn" he says. another minute passses and usually i can hold this in but today was real bad. i couldnt do it any longer, so was time for plan b, **** in the sink. pulled down my pants and started grunting loudly and you could hear the boris slide down the sink. one of the guys then yelled "what the fuk r u doing" and opened his door, so i flashed my penis at him. he qikly closed the door and then i heard the toilet paper begin to roll. i only got one **** out but it was enuf, i used the paper towels to wipe my ass, and turned on the hand dryer so the hot air would make the **** smell even more. i heard his belt buckle and as i ran out i yelled "dont forget to wash your hands" and threw one of my paper towels with **** on it over in his cubicle.
by mega boris July 21, 2010
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"To boris" means to fall asleep after a certain intake of alcohol or drugs that give the effect of tiredness, like for instance hash.
"Boris" may also be used as a noun i.e. "the boris" and is in fact the most common usage.
"Look at him, he did a boris".
"Oh, is he doing the boris again?"
by boost1 October 30, 2006
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Pretty, smart, business minded, friendly, the most beautiful person on a group of friends.
by November 15, 2020
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