Usually a prick. A 'bitch-whore shit-dick' will usually fuck up everything he/she does. They don't care about anyone except themselves, so you can never really trust them. Unknown why they do the things they do. Call your friend this and it's quite possible they will shit their pants then slap you in the face. "Bitch-whore shit-dick" is interchangeable with the words dick, prick, coward, asshole, fuck-face, pussy, etc.
Person #1: Why are you being such a bitch-whore shit-dick?

Person #2: Because I'm a pussy.

Person #1: That's what I thought.....
by The Truth Teller#1 May 16, 2011
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1. An exclamation to any sort of reaction, whether it be surprise, fear, or joy. Generally used in humurous ways.

2. A way to scream at a beloved family bitch, preferrably of the canine genre. One usually should place his/her thumb and for-finger on the bitches rump and squeeze rythmicly while speaking.
1. (Man gives birth to partially eaten kangeroo fetus)
"Oh shit bitch!"

2. "Now (dogs name), let me have that ass. Good dog, now siiit. Good bitch. OH SHIT BITCH! OH SHIT BITCH!"
by Davi.! December 24, 2005
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The sequence of curse words used by Check Wes in the song Mo Bomba . A popular line usually yelled by white girls after they have had too many black flys .
*Chugs a twisted tea*
*Takes out iphone x to record friends on snapchat screaming*
“Oh fuck shit bitch ! yeah check wes and i’m getting really rich!”.
*Doubles fists black flys*
by youhavebeencaughtlackin January 2, 2019
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Ayden: I can’t believe it, nicole left me for another guy but I guess bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks.
Harrison: yeah man she was a bitch
by Igetpussy24/7 October 31, 2017
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When a person is, or acts like, a pussy while being a bitch by thinking up of shitty excuses for things.

"Oh my god, I can't believe Tom is being such a pussy shit bitch!"

by I'M A MONKEY August 15, 2008
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A valid response to an otherwise irrational or stupid question with an obvious answer.
Q: "Where's the Toys R Us?"
A: "Bing That Shit, Bitch!"
by Rawbbit February 19, 2012
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When someone is in the act of being a pussy by thinking up of shitty excuses, causing the person to be a complete bitch at the this time.
Tom is being such a pussy shit bitch. He won't go out at night because he thinks he's gonna be raped by a bunch of rabid goblins.
by The Smiley Face Phantom October 4, 2008
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