The most amazing girl a friend could ask for. Can be crazy at times but normally down to earth. Can be completely devoted to her boyfriends and, despite her past, love to make people smile. She can be agressive but that's just part of her craziness.
She's soooo Alicia.
by ForeverLove6354 November 21, 2010
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She a real ass bitch who will hit with any hoe ,who want her one. She loyal as fuck and a true rider.She respect anybody hustle She also petty as fuck ,and sometimes shy Dont give a fuck about shit and just wanna live life
Alicia is the realest bitch you will evet meet
by TE'AMO December 20, 2016
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A crazy but intelligent girl who also has large breasts and a beautiful composure, basically a love it or hate it person who only in the eye of the beholder thinks that
Alicia is so crazy but from what i experience personally i couldnt be anymore happier with being with such a beautiful person
by Only_1_SuNgka April 28, 2009
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She’s a very nice girl. At first she comes off as shy but once you meet her she’s a funny weirdo that will make you smile, and laugh. Alicia would do anything to protect her best friend, she loves and care for her a lot. Alicia is a beautiful girl who is too insecure to see her own beauty. She’s so beautiful on the inside and out. You will never wanna get on Alicia’s bad side because she can get mean but she’ll rather be nice to people. Alicia is a great friend and person overall. You would really wanna be friends with her.
Person 1: “have you met Alicia? She’s such an awesome person”

Person 2: “of course I’ve met Alicia!”
by XxharshworldxX November 16, 2020
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A mother who is so extra and is loved by all because of it. A best friend to her daughter and the best mom and wife!
You are such an Alicia!!!!
by ASES101 December 14, 2018
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Having an Alicia in your life is one of life's greatest blessing and she is one of the best people ever AND IM NOT KIDDING. She loves to shower her friends gifts and love. If u are friends with an Alicia YOU ARE LUCKY! She doesn't really open up to people but if she does to you know that your special. She doesn't have much friends because she's anti social and would like to make friends. She hates when she always has to text first and when you leave her on read. She loves painting and listening to music and talking to her ibf. She is smart and loves English class. Her favorite thing to do is running in a flower field with ethereal music. Never lie to an Alicia she will never forget and trust you again and NEVER MAKE LIES ABOUT HER. She has a dream to move to New York and live there for the rest of her life. She loves Ruby jewelry. She's loves hugs and dancing. She is LITERALLY THE SEXIEST. Her hair is smooth curly and very black and she looks more beautiful with it straight. She loves wearing heels and dressing up for dates dinner etc. She loves it when you play sexy music that she can move her body to. She likes it when she gets a good morning and goodnight message. Always treat an Alicia right.
person 1 : WOW she's so beautiful
person 2 : I know. That's Alicia, look at her hair!
by cupcakekitty511 May 6, 2021
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The most amazing funny fit girl you will be lucky to meet. Been through a lot of shit she didn't deserve but still helps other people with their problems. Stunning and gorgeous, gets boys easily. The best friend a girl could hope for. Any boy would be extremely lucky to have her. Very cheerful and fun to hang out with. Loves to have a good time. Very loud and this makes people love her more. Great body and is mostly full of energy. Has an aggressive side but very compassionate. You may only meet one in your life so hang on to her tight. Absolutely amazing in bed. Best shag you'll ever have. Great at listening and will help in whatever way she can. Small boobs huge but, big hips tiny waist. Usually blonde hair and green eyes. Loves her friends to bits. She doesn't take any shit. Been cheated on several times. In her teen years she'll drink a lot and try many drugs. Type of girl that people might hate at first impressions but get to know her and she'll melt your heart. If you get on the bad side of her she'll tear you apart. Complicated to understand but you'll never want to stop trying. Everything you want in a women, confident and sexy, but sometimes needs a compliment and a hug. The woman you'll want to spend the rest of your life with and your mum will tell you to marry and your dad will tell you to make babies with.
Lad: she's fit
Mate: that's alicia
by AK0102 January 24, 2018
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