There are way too many idiots in this world that believes whatever textbooks say.

"One of the greatest presidents ever."

Abraham Lincoln is one of our worst presidents.

"Fought for the concept that secession was unconstitutional (as it violated the concept of democracy--if the guy you voted for lost, you have to deal with it) and aided in the disestablishment of the institution of slavery."

The Confederacy fought against Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus, first amendment rights, tenth amendment rights, unfair taxes and his alienating of the Southern states. There is nothing unconstitutional about secession. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say states can not secede. The Founding Fathers cherished liberty, not democracy. Also, Lincoln's beliefs on slavery were inconsistent, but his white supremacy was consistent.

"Though the Hartford Convention did consider secession, it was not the main focus of the agenda, and was political suicide for the Federalists."

Real patriots who fight against their oppressive governments don't give a shit about "political suicide". That's exactly what the Southern states did.

"Moreover, limiting free speech during times of war is not something unique, as it has happened many times since Lincoln's day."

How is this excusable?

"It should also be noted, secession is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution as a right, it is mentioned in the Declaration of Independance, but that was not a legal document. Therefore he didn't deny anyone anything unusual."

The Constitution is called THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND for a reason. You need to read the tenth amendment, which states: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Since secession is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution, this little amendment that has been constantly ignored kicked in.
Abraham Lincoln's assassination was justified for acts of treason, lying after promising to uphold the Constitution, war crimes and being responsible for the slaughter of many innocent Americans for his own selfish political gains. The Confederacy were true patriots who fought for the document the Founding Fathers risked their lives for and followed their wisdom. Thomas Jefferson once said if we truly want freedom, there must be armed rebellion every twenty or so years to keep the government in check.
by david smith, jr. March 21, 2008
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When a male ejaculated on his partners face and then rips his puric hair off and smacks his partner in the face having the partner look like Abraham Lincoln
Yo bro I gave my girl a Abraham Lincoln last night
by Whole chicken December 21, 2016
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When you go to a theatre, sneak inside a booth and choose a target to cum on from behind. By doing so, you need to leave the theatre unnoticed.
"Dude I Abraham Lincoln Jerked on that old lady while she was watching the emoji movie."
by WoopZerz September 2, 2017
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When a male knocks a girl out by hitting her in the head with his fist. While she is knocked out the male shaves his pubic hair off and cums on her face. He then places the pubic hair over the cum on the face. (In the shape of a beard)
Phil: Yo, dude last night i abraham lincolned this bitch and now i aint got any pubs!
Billy: Yo that sucks dude.
Cori: hey whatsup guys.
Phil: o hmmmm hi umm.
Billy: Eww what the fuck cori whats on your face?
Phil: Shut the fuck up Billy.
by Phil Bucci October 25, 2007
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performing cunnilingus on a lady whos not shaved to the point that it resembles ol' Abe's beard.
Man, I went down on my girlfriend last night and it was like kissing Abraham Lincoln..
by totalg33k February 21, 2008
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A condition in which a person, generally a police or sheriff's officer, refuses to sit in anywhere other than the back row at an amphitheater or movie theatre due to a fear of being ambushed and shot in the back of the head.
"I can't sit in any row other then the back row, I have Abraham Lincoln Syndrome because I have too many enemies who may shoot me in the head without my permission."
by Johnny Booth Jr. November 29, 2012
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The act of shaving ones pubic area and saving it to be thrown on the face of someone pleasuring them. The shaver shoots the face of the pleasurer with his "fluids", then throws the pubic clippings onto thier face. Thus...Abraham Lincoln's Beard.
Friend 1: "Hey, check out this photo" (retrieves cellular phone/camera from pocket to show picture of disgruntled, now x-girlfriend, post Abraham Lincoln's Beard).

Friend 2: "Wow...I didn't know Abraham Lincoln had blonde hair."
by M_E_A_T August 11, 2006
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