November 15th is throw your shortest friend out a window day.
1: It’s November 15th
2: What
1: *Throws out the window*
2: Why
1: It’s throw your shortest friend out a window day
2: Valid bro
by acaiwneldhdiheeihcksowndidbwkp November 14, 2021
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Boy: hey it’s November 15th

Boy #2: so?

Boy: it’s national rub a girls thigh day
by November 15th November 14, 2019
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November 15th is the national day of smelling your own fart for fun and people n share each others and compliment one another
November 15th is the national smell your own fart day.
by DingyDongy6921 October 26, 2019
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Wear formal clothes to school day.
The day where you can wear your best looking clothes to school.
Friend: why are you wearing a suit?
Me: it's November 15th
Friend: that's not answer bozo
Me: check urban dictionary
by Not abay November 13, 2021
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Me: hey its November 15th

Sibling: so

Me *kicks sibling down the stairs
by Mynamecloud_ on tiktok November 15, 2021
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