''OMG, she's such a hoe!'' said ashly
by connie donnie September 14, 2017
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An insult that can either be used jokingly between friends or a word used to describe someone in an insulting way. Hoes only have dirt. Or a garden hoe. A hoe in a garden. Either way it can be used as a tool to dig trenches. I like to snap hoes in half though.
by Reelbeech January 8, 2018
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Someone who reveals themselves too much;Someone who sleeps with many other people, like a prostitute.
Cutch don't be such a hoe showing off your boosums!
by Friend of yellow azn August 9, 2005
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Woman who fuck anybody for anything or for free. These girls can come off as friendly and original, but a hoe is a hoe and they'll only let all your friends hit it behind your back.
"Damn Dog, You still seein' that hoe?"
by Bsick February 20, 2006
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The homosexual version of the phrase hoes before bros. To prioritize your female friends before your relationship with another girl.
Stevia: Gee Christine, I sure love spending time with my new girlfriend Jenny! She is so sweet and strong and caring!

Christine: Gurl, you need to start chillin' with us more often. Whatever happened to hoes before hoes??
by Updated Magic February 5, 2017
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