I really sexy man that loves to skateboard and is running the social media world along with duhitzmark
by Markxmelloul February 7, 2018
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A nigga who blast when you are born and says he going to Walmart and he ain't ever come back he also gives his sons trash baseball genes and makes them ass at all sports
by Yeet nigga June 27, 2017
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Person 1: "Yo have you listened to that new lil AAron song?"
Person 2: "Up to You? No, not yet."
Person 1: "Listen to that shit before I clap yo ass"
by definitely not lil AAron December 17, 2018
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aaron is usually known as a womanizer. they are mostly never are attractive and those who are and extremely cocky. they are the people who would leave you at the alter, or cheat on you on your wedding day. if you ever meet a nice aaron, never let him put of sight, for if you do chances are he will become a cocky duchebag.
girl: hey what did you do last night?
me: i went out and met a really nice guy!
girl: whats his name?

me: aaron

girl: OMG RUN!!!!
by rainbowsmileyface December 29, 2016
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The Green Bay Packers lead Quarter Back. In his first season of actual play, the Packers had a 6-10 W-L record. Come his second season, he turned it around and came off with an 11-5 record, although would go on to lose to the Arizona Cardinals in the first playoff game. Then in his third season, after numerous injuries and a concussion, he was able to get a 10-6 record which landed them a 6th seed position in the playoffs. After beating the top three teams in the NFC playoffs, he and the Packers would go on to play in Super Bowl XLV. And after a few more injuries and keeping the lead the entire game, Rodgers and the Packers would go on to win the Super Bowl 31-26, beating the Pittsburgh Steelers. After the game, Aaron Rodgers was named the MVP of the Super Bowl, and then he celebrated with the rest of his team knowing they finally brought the Vince Lombardi Trophy back home.
Man, Aaron Rodgers had a pretty shaky first season of heading the Green Bay Packers for QB, but come the next few he was able to turn the team around and win them a Super Bowl title.
by The Mighty Quinn 3000 March 14, 2011
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A popular phrase in the Philippines. When you typo a normal word into something Christian and wholesome.
"Oh man that was so god." - Guy 1
"Dude you mean good?" - Guy2
"Shit. I just pulled an Aaron." - Guy 1
by sudoDarkKnight June 18, 2014
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The damn fool who shot Alexander Hamilton. He just wanted to be in the room where it happens. LOVES WAITING. (such a little, sad asshole)
Pardon me are you Aaron Burr, sir?
cit. Hams stalking Burr
You are the worst Burr...
cit. Lafayette
Close the door on your way out

cit. George Washington roasting Burr
by diggs.stan July 20, 2017
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