A pop artist that nobody cares about except 7th graders in they feelings
1: OMG drake released a new album!
2: Dont care
by XXNotLoganorjessicaXXA October 23, 2019
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An individual who has a cognitive difficulty to remember recent events akin to an elderly person despite only being in their early twenties
“Drake couldn’t remember what we did on Xbox yesterday, he’s probably going to have dementia by the time he’s 30”.
by Mark 2 Raygun May 4, 2023
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The drakes
Drake bunch of fake peeps aka dopplewalks
by Richard bakes February 23, 2022
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an Asian that smokes so much mary jane that he is high af constantly. hes usually a pre fly guy and rather enjoys booning.
Drake enjoys pot
by el samo April 30, 2019
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Drake is a name for a men with a magerly enlarged penis, his penis is too big to put In a bitch so he fucks little boys in Alabama. His testicals are gigantic, youd have to have some big hands to handle those things. When he fucks little boys in Alabama he is usually holding a controller, so when he gets caught he blames the incident on the controller. Drake was 12 when he found his first victim in Alabama, a 6 year old boy was In the middle of fucking his cousin and drake decided to join, that's when shit hit the fan, aside that he isn't one of those guys you should worry about he takes it easy, unless you fight back that's a whole different story.
Drake has a gigantic penis.
by Queefburgeler69 March 12, 2019
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Drake; A funny, cute, athletic and cool guy. A Lot of girls like him, he is a role model and often is funny.
by ooflover9000 October 23, 2019
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