ava: did u hear iyanas boogis?

aleena: yea it was amazing
jacob: right?! it’s my favorite song
natalee: was it party in the usa?
by April 9, 2022
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when you queef a song tune
ava: did you hear iyanas boogis?
aleena: yeah it was amazing!
jacob: right?! it’s my favorite song!
natalee: was it party in the usa?
by April 9, 2022
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oogy boogy:
"You're so cute I want to throw you in my microwave."
by Vin222Vin22 March 24, 2017
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One possibility of where boogie and honkey come from could be white people who wanted to make money selling real estate further out from the city's core needed a boogeyman, something that would get people to leave. They start to convince other white people that these guys with the darker skin, puffer hair, and bigger dicks are the scariest people they've ever seen, and start calling them boogies (even though they dont really do anything any more disturbing than white people). When the same white people come back to buy drugs, they honk their horns to let people know they're outside, so they get called honkeys. There could be a different reason for the names though.
You dont hear as much about some of the in house violence that people pointed a finger at another group for when it was convenient, people seemed to think the crime rate was all coming from somewhere else, the group they called the other side. Where did boogie/honkey really come from?
by Solid Mantis April 29, 2020
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I'm so excited for Defqon1 tomorrow, let's hope Joeri wil come. He might be doing a Boogie.
by StixxMeister July 8, 2019
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When you’re having sex and the guy puts it in your ass without your consent, as soon as he finishes and/or pulls out, you sit, shit, scoot, and get the hell outta dodge.
We were fucking doggy style and he shoved it in my ass. I told him to take it out and he did, so I climbed on top, shit, scooted my ass on his leg like a dog, and ran out ASAP. More commonly known as the poop scootinboogie.
by BarryGoodTimes April 4, 2021
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When a man has incontrollable shits (diarrhea or logs), incontrollable vomiting, grumbly tummy, and extreme toenail growth or mucus absolute pouring out of one's noes.

(plural Ooggy boogies)
Man one: I have a bad case of the Ooggy boogy!

Man two: im sorry i cant help you with that one.
by sycopoopies December 5, 2022
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