An act of sabotage brought about due to long term acts of asshattery. Particularly acts of disrespect, thievery, and lying to one's own family... despite their continued love and compassion.
1. Until you rectify the situation by both apologizing to all relevant parties, and come forward with an honest admission of wrongdoing you might have some trouble with the "suck me? VIRUS"...

2. Anyone willing to blatantly disregard my feelings and lie straight to my face gets no sympathy from me... behold the wrath of "suck me? VIRUS"
by J to the E... fa-q March 28, 2012
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The creator of the Friendship thread of Urban Dictionary, not the pandemic. Connect with the Torontonian on
Farren: Hey man! Did the Canadian Police put your personal chats online?
Aayush: I don't know, but I have been called the 'friendship virus' for a long time.

Fariha: I am so very famous. I played on the City-winning TDSB cricket team. How did you know about the virus while at High School?
Garbage Wizard: Email me, you shitposting freaks. Most of what you have been reading on Urban Dictionary is from my personal chats with a beauty queen. I am a Friendship Virus.
by January 5, 2022
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The only legit response to a friend spamming you from nowhere with random letters or digits via any kind of messenger.
Friend: wgbwtvwb wtvtqvqf$%×:;%

lxrcqf**÷×*"&&÷ 182bcnx

&#&#&or8 34loo1foxfqlc
Me: virus spam tingz
by tragicTingz June 2, 2020
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If you get spammed by your friend with random digits or letters, this is the only legal way to react.


kdkeox8 dich

ebfn8ce8k DIY x

You: Virus spam tingz
by tragicTingz June 3, 2020
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It can be a response when you get random messages with digits and letters that reminds you to a spammer virus text.
Someone: JRJX73J2

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You: virus spam tingz
by tragicTingz June 6, 2020
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If you use redtube you will get a virus.
by KelShawn April 6, 2018
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"Man bro! that freenom virus was greattt....Uhhhhhh"
"Bro you good?"
by C0ckanDba11t0rTuR3 September 30, 2020
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