To take a dump. To make a bowel movement. To go #2.
I'm so constipated right now I need to take a laxative and pinch a Devos.
by Chef Drew and LJoy December 12, 2019
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Pinching someones nose shut with your fingers, or a tool in order to limit their air supply.

Can be done in an innocent matter fueld by adoration or the lust to tease.

However, little to surprise, it's getting more frequent in porn where the dominant controls the submissive.
I.E. bdsm and breathplay, mostly oralsex in order to gain erotic satisfaction.
Lotte was giving so sweet head, and I couldn't refrain from pinching her cute nose softly!
That look she gave me, with her nose pinched and her mouth full!
A look of total surrender and trust!
by Helmut7100 November 7, 2017
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When someone is overstepping there self righteous sense of authority
Damnit, that solstice fest official was really pinching my whiskers for being within 25 feet of the area that I’m not aloud to piggy back the festival and sell my art.
by 3x7r3m157 June 24, 2019
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the greench crook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he stole christianafrendship
grinches pinched a little before easter
by xdr5t3evq3q October 30, 2023
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When someone with small tits refuses the title "mosquito bites" they use bear pinches. Which is unreasonable.
Sally says she has bear pinches.
by nickymacG November 13, 2016
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The act of commandeering a user’s name when it has become available on a social media platform.
Holy Crap! Did you see TheRobbieHarvey’s username was taken? They’re really pinching the floret on that one.
by ValaAmaris July 15, 2023
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