Trump: (Upon horrible thing happening) What a total trump! What a pile of trump!
by The Azure Avenger June 3, 2018
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yo bois have you seen trump? he is going to get assassinated by me.
by it'smeyourcousin April 28, 2020
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When you're taking a large poop, and you know you're done but your body doesn't, the act of your asshole trying to push out nothing is trumping
I'm sorry I was late, I was stuck trumping all morning. I still feel like I have to shit, so I may have to leave early.
by Mini VanDriver December 4, 2017
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One who brags about sexual assault by grabbing women's vaginas.
I'm gonna kick that man's ass, he was trumping on my girls pussy!
"Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything"
by Slimbrowny October 11, 2016
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Someone who clarifys a tweet with a tweet.
The President is such a LOOSER!! Hes been a trump on twitter all day.
by TheRealDonald7 February 20, 2017
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giving baseless biased opinions playing them as facts, making decisions with no research or forethought, being a general douchebag. these could all be reasons for "trumping" or "being a trump"
You be "Trumping" man
You're such a "Trump"
by Kenny E. February 4, 2017
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