I'm sorry but you'll have to pay for—
Bob: Ugh, Net Neutrality won't let me watch my hentai without paying.
by yOdAdAbEscared November 12, 2018
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When you're nondiscrimatorily swiping right on a dating app, such as Tinder, in order to collect and filter through matches much like how fish nets are used by fisherman.
Person 1: "why are you swiping right on everyone?"

Person 2: "haven't had much luck lately so I'm just fish Netting to see what's out there."
by zismahname March 19, 2018
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To unexpectedly encounter something surprising/disturbing/intriguing while surfing the Internet. The key is the unexpected - if you were actively searching for "puppies on bicycles", finding "puppiesonbikes.com" does not count as a net-stumble.
Check this site out - it's like IMDB for adult film stars. I net-stumbled on it after mistyping the address of IMDB.
by balloonie-cat October 10, 2014
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Going through all your social network and posting a relevant picture of Nicholas cage on every post. When asked why you simply post another picture of cage with no explanation.
Person: "I like annoying people. Time to start caging the net"
by knowledgeGod May 16, 2015
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installation for territorial worth account which can go up from $123 to $2000 to use it use coordinates for installation recipe to use net worth connected to your value of your installation that will lead up to good luck
thirdo net worth $123 $432
by con"eriba February 28, 2022
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A voluntary botnet made for cyber war against Russia and for pen testers to use to test their website strength.
News: Russian Website Taken Down By Omni Net In Act Of War
by Thor Odinson The 3rd March 19, 2022
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The prime of the internet, and a catalyst for eliteness and knowledge. Feared by many, abused by some, respected by all. Unrivalled in verbal engagement, and unbeatable in the same respect. Truly the cream of modern day ownage. See elite, leet, ownage, pimp.
This do0d from NM totally destroyed my pathetic ass on eplanet last night, while completely obliterating me verbally !
by www.net-machines.com May 28, 2003
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