Booking in to a hotel for three days with benefits and not leaving the room.
Lucy how’s about some weekend fun
by Sointense June 17, 2023
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An easy way of saying when you are so ready for Friday and the weekend! Have you ever had that feeling? Well, now its simple to say when you're feeling it!
Tanya: "Urgh! I have a weekend brain! How about you?"
Whitney: "Yup, I do too!"
by HufflepuffBookworm September 24, 2020
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Are you hanging out with Brooke tonight?

Nah man, she is going to Emporium for her weekend milkshake!

What a fucking slut
by ryanchitty May 16, 2009
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Having Sex with three different partners in a weekend.
I can’t make to the after party I am 2/3’s of the way to my Hat Trick Weekend and I only have a few hours left to meet up with Lisa.
by Shoresey January 20, 2021
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The act of ramping up and or accelerating results,performance or outcome. A noticeable increase towards a strong finish.
"That frigging Hynes always waits until Friday to lay the smackdown on us all! His weekend slama jamaz are simply untouchable. I don't even know why we try.. "
by Frank n bens December 10, 2022
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when you choose not to give a fuck about anything on the weekend because the week was either to long or you are extremely hungover
Mike: Hey June
June: Hey Mike, how was your weekend?
Mike: My weekend was awesome until I came down with a really bad case of weekend syndrome
June: Dam, sorry to hear that Mike
by The Real M. Jackson November 23, 2013
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