The act of drinking over the course of a couple of days discrediting the linear time establishment and bending it to the next conscious day.
Person 1: What day is it?

Person 2: It’s Sunday.
Person 1: Oh man we went on a complete bender.
by ellordito September 12, 2020
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Someone that may seem so attracting to the same gender that they turn gay for them.
John: Hey did you hear that Robert got bent?
Bob: oh damn was it that Bender William again?
John: Yep.
by the big random yeeter November 12, 2018
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A gay male whomstdve bends over for another male to penetrate
Bender means Josh Maizes
by Kyle The Gingy February 11, 2018
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Bender means that you are feeling super great and just can’t explain how good you feel. It’s a fun word y
To use instead of bettter.
by Isabella lynn martinez February 1, 2021
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A person who does not know how to appropriately handle social situations, and tends to masturbate so furiously that their penis becomes somewhat "bent" to a particular direction.
"Hey man, did you see that bender over there?"
"Yeah, I have heard his cock is bent to the right! I think he may also be on the spectrum."
by agentsmith2181 June 3, 2017
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Bender is english and Means gay
Often used by hockey play
by BIRSJ November 28, 2018
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