A phrase said when you say something so outlandish or unrealistic that one may believe you are just saying it as a joke and don't actually mean it, so you say this to make it clear you're dead serious.
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when you do not care about what was said to you
Human 1: Hey man did you hear what that guy said about you?
Human 2: leik i even care
by :ge: October 5, 2017
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Even according to players is a very old term from used in the 50's to describe any given team or single person the ability to win or lose when it comes to playing a game. It may also refer to a person in a group of friends who for whatever reason is unable to grasp the subject of the conversation. It was a polite way to say that someone was stupid.
The gang were all playing a game of cards when Billy walked up and asked who was winning. The gang replied that it was even according to players because "stupid Sam" was one of the players.
by SkipSpike666 October 24, 2017
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An extremely cool guy. Is the best gamer ever.
You are a Lars-Even
You are such Lars-Even or You are a Lars-Even
by Larsern11 November 13, 2017
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Nothing is non existent because if nothing was real then it wouldn't be nothing. But, "Nothing", used as a pronoun subject, is the absence of a something or particular thing that one might expect or desire to be present or the inactivity of a thing or things that are usually or could be active.
person 1: hey

person 2: Hi!

person 1: What even is nothing

person2: uhh... I... whoah...what is nothing?

Being defined... "Nothing", used as a pronoun subject, is the absence of a something or particular thing that one might expect or desire to be present or the inactivity of a thing or things that are usually or could be active.

Now you can answer...
What even is nothing?
by Ash404 March 24, 2021
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you'r low on ammo, be even-triggered and pick the most impotent targets.
by suguvAkuma April 12, 2017
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An Evening Damage is a very large shit you have after you've had your tea (or dinner/supper depending where in the country you're from!). It is generally one that's hard to squeeze out, but when it does, it makes a very heavy plop as it enters the water.
FRED: I'm just off to the toilette to offload my evening damage.
JOEY: OK have a good one!

drop the kids off at the pool restock the lake with brown trout lay a cable build a log cabin
by boeing737229 February 14, 2018
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