Something grandiose with a spectacular budget and/or promotion. It has claimed to be to be "unsinkable," only to fail in an equally spectacular fashion, proving them wrong.

Origin and reference: White Star Line's RMS Titanic disaster in 1912.
TV series promoters: "Our multi million series is a triumph!"
Annoyed viewers: "Triumph, over what? It was more like a Titanic."
by Annaria February 24, 2023
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An Incremental Game that involves heroes and pets. It's insane that its large numbers quickly overwhelm other incremental games, such as Cookie Clicker or Adventure Capitalist.
It is the only game so far to do this.
Friend Alpha: Hey what are you playing?
Friend Beta: Tap Titans 2.
Friend Gamma: WHAT?
Friend Beta: It's just like Cookie Clicker.
by a pure gold sword on July 9, 2020
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Oh hey did you see those titan men last night on TV?
by The titan February 7, 2017
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Yumas dick
Brought out his titan dick from his pants and starts pumping
by Diabolikloversfan May 21, 2019
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An intercut technique performed by the best of the best players on GTA V Online in the Titan aircraft where they fly directly up in the air and stall the plane to create a wall type structure to outplay enemy griefers who are often in Hydras or Lazers
"Theres a hydra coming, quick use Titan Iron Body technique
by WildWillez December 13, 2020
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big skeleton genocidal boi
eren: i kill all titans with humans

eren as founding titan: i kill all humans with titans
by GrandElFranoTheMysterious April 2, 2022
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When your relationship so strong, they both like "I'll never let go"
Dude: Bro, you and your girl have a crazy strong relationship
Bro: Yeah man, in loving this titanic relationship
by Robertiv2000 August 30, 2015
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