A person who is so absolutely horrible that no profanity will do, resulting in you using obscure and random insults.
“Don’t look at me like that you infantile, yogurt licking imp!”

“God you’re such a fucking Yogurt Licker!”
by FunnyDollar January 24, 2021
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When you french kiss a woman's vagina when she has a yeast infection
So I went over to Tina's house and French Yogurt her clitoris
by ShadowMoses117 January 3, 2018
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a fat and chubby cat. if you see someone or someTHING named yogurt, eat it. it's probably yucky though. yogurt is a kitty and he is chubby and fat. if you see a cat that looks like it should be in a boy band, name it yogurt. YOGI MASTER YAS! babushka :)
Lily: Who is that lil fatty?

Giana: That is YOGURT! Don't lose him, or he'll die. He's dumb and fat. His weight will probably pull down while he's walking around.

Lily: He's a cutie! Can I have him?


Lily runs away crying.

Lily: I want yogurt!
by addsthebads2789 February 8, 2021
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Pronounced Y(aw)gurt by this dumbass named Bella Baui Lacelle
"I want some y(aw)gurt" -Bella
"It's YOgurt you idiot" -Ella
by pituitarygland January 11, 2020
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Very good for you, healthy, and nutritious. Anyone who thinks yogurt is bacteria is a fucking gooofball.
Yogurt is so good for you man!
by Carbrajeddyl September 7, 2021
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mommy why is there yogurt on your bed
by theaidsman1776 April 16, 2023
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