The act of shoving many boners into an open orifice or female opening.
Last nights the boys went chunking and ended up bone piling some broad.
by PyroNymph February 15, 2020
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When someone is so gross and disgusting.

Also known as EPOC.
Look! There's the Epic Pile Of Cust!
by Sanasaaaaa May 1, 2010
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•when your are unhappily stuck between 5 fat men in a hot tub.

•when the water in a hot tub overflows because of the fat water displacement.
Phil, Bob, and Fatty Mcgee pulled a Arizona Pile Up last night.
by Broseph Srrr February 11, 2014
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When you piss a hole in the center of a pile of poop until it resembles a volcano.
I once pissed a hole in the middle of my poop while I was on the toilet...It looked a volcano...It definitely was the golden pile.
by Tressie Ca La La November 24, 2016
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Being covered in sunburned, leathery, sweaty pricks.
My dad was at an Arizona Cactus Pile last night, and he swore your mom was at the bottom.
by MAXDOZER July 23, 2023
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