A pimple that won't go away (i.e. permanent zit).
Johnny: "Dude, you still have that bump on your forehead. Better go get it checked out. You may be turning into a unicorn"

Tommy: "Naw man.. It's a Perma-zit"
by Micro penis January 5, 2011
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When you deficate into your lover, partner or random drunk-hookup's mouth, then make them puff their cheeks out as you smash them together, exploding shit and saliva everywhere.
Man, I can't get the shit-zit stain out of my cardigan sweater!
by makibr May 16, 2007
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That sudden, uncontrollable urge to pop a zit, just to watch it ooze. A gross but all too common human phenomenon.
Looking at this nasty whitehead on my chin is giving me a serious case of zit lust.
by mcnz the great October 25, 2009
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The cluster formation of pimples -- both white/blackheads and reddish, burnt acne scars that cover the majority of the face in a beard-like pattern.
"woah, did you see T-bor's face yesterday? he must've been heavily into the chocolates and beer cause he's grown a total zit-beard"
by sniffyvon November 10, 2005
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The little, annoying flaws you find when you dig deeper into something that's beautiful on the surface... like a woman who looks gorgeous clothed, but has a pimply butt when you get her undressed.
OS X Leopard is beautiful on the surface, but it's still got a few butt zits to be sandpapered off in the next release.
by Craptologist January 2, 2008
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zits on a tit (a nasty turn-off, no matter how big the tit)
We all see Alicia's tit zits when she wears a bikini. She currently has no boyfriend.
by kickflipdude July 22, 2011
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