Why does saying "yip" when he's stoned?
by sam April 26, 2003
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- The raising sun of the new generation
- A person that clearly stands out from the rest of the group/crowd cause of his uniqueness
- usually seen as a 'pimp'
He's a yip for sure! look at all the people thats paying so much attention to him
by Wes' May 2, 2006
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a person who uses a windows computer or any other microsoft product
Look at that Yip over there playing Warcraft on his Dell computer.
by KING O' FENK! April 15, 2011
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To bitch.
Don't yip, you asked for it!
by weezyspeakman January 30, 2009
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A: Do you know what happens to us when we die?

B: I'm gonna go pick my shoes while you lie there yip yapping about life.
by Namastedoston July 21, 2016
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Dry, sarcastic expression of faux excitement
Yeoman: We've uncorked the rostrums, Cap'n!
Captain: Yip yay.

by DKLONE June 28, 2007
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