wilson is a guy who is very social and is friends with everyone. He is also very flirtatious around girls that he is really into. he is hella cute. like absolutely gorgeous. all the girls love him but he only has one girl on his mind. he is the nicest guy you’ll meet and is also a great friend. he is very active which makes him an even better person. just be careful though. someone that cute might make you pass out.
by lilsnickers17 April 11, 2019
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A person to describe one of your shortest friends.

Can also be used as a unit of measure.
Among us friends, Wilson was the shortest.
"Damn bro, how tall are you?"
"I'm about one and a quarter Wilsons."
by AllTheUsernamesWereAllGone February 7, 2019
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To crash or wipe out. Commonly used in skateboarding, wilson is named after the scene in the Dennis the Menace cartoon where Mr. Wilson steps on Dennis' skateboard and falls on his ass. It often refers to the specific crash that occurs when your feet fly out from under after losing your balance.
The monster toally wilsoned when Scooby Doo spilled the box of marbles on the floor.
by bmdhacks August 19, 2006
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To be passed over or forgotten, particularly in the sequence of the ordering and then receiving of food.
"I ordered my tacos before you ordered, but you already got your chicken sandwich. I hate getting Wilsoned like that."
by PeterB July 31, 2006
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when your hittin it doggy style and you get period juice on your hand (rusty palmer) smack the bitches ass and give it two eyes and a smile like Wilson from the movie Castaway
i got a Rusty Palmer last night it was such a mess i had to give her a Wilson to get my hand clean
by Chuck Diesel April 2, 2007
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Sometimes a complete fuck up is VERY bad at flirting Tries to be kind to everyone,especially those who he has a close bond with,those who he thinks of in the romantic sense.Hes a god at video games,loves Mexican food,and will be the bestfriend you will ever ask for.Not only that,he is the most sweet,kind,gentle, humorous,sympathetic,empathetic person you could meet.Good at many things,will admit when he sucks at something.The two greatest things about being near a Wilson is that he’ll always make you feel cherished and welcomed.if your in a romantic relationship with him he’ll do his best to text you when he has the time but with all the things he does it is very hard to find.And he’s great in the bed.Though there is one bad side about a Wilson.He doesn’t tell anyone how he truly feels worried he may seem selfish and people would be mad or upset over how he feels so he tends to bottle it up inside that is when you don’t want to be near a Wilson.when he’s in a mood you must look for large baggy eyes furrowed brow,glistening eyes,and he is either very quite,for when he is so upset,that that anger turns tut turns to sadness,or very anti-social,because he doesn’t want to snap at anyone.Very smart good looking and a hell of a musician.Has a great voicebut chooses to sing alone.he doesn’t sleep much.you know a Wilson, be friends with em,ask em how they’re doing, and if your a girl,try to start dating cause ladies he is one in a million.The god amongst people and his name is Wilson.
Example 1: “You bro, you see that dude over there? He’s a total, and complete Wilson.”
Example 2:”If only I knew a Wilson. He’s be the best boyfriend/best friend I could cere ask for”
by Umbassa February 6, 2022
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Someone who is a complete asshole, one who like to keeps girls on the line but never really liked them to begin with.
Dude, He is such a wilson with chicks, I dont see how he can keep them.
by rena86 April 23, 2009
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