The crappy new name for Nintendo's next console. Originally named the Nintendo Revolution.
Do you have a wii? Why would I ever buy a wii when I can get an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3?
by May 3, 2006
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Wii=total bullshit, the system sells fast cuz its cheap as shit, doesnt rise to the supremecy of PS3
wii kicks ps3's ass
this is a statement from a myspace whore
by ulto bane June 16, 2007
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The new name of the Nintendo Revolution, supposedly created to show the togetherness of the system, and how it overpasses the gamer stereotype.

Ironically enough, it appears that the easiest part of making a system is where nintendo messed this one up, despite the fact that they seem to have messed up other things as well.

they claim it is "We" but offer no explanation as to why they didn't simply name it "we".

Nintendo fan boys will claim that names such as the Gameboy were revolutionary too, but at least 'Game' and 'Boy' are, in fact, words.
"Wii: as in We" - Nintendo
by Bob Dole May 1, 2006
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the word describing something or some one that is utterly lame
hey john what do you think of my new glasses?

those glasses are so wii
by psychadelictyrranosaurusrex December 6, 2010
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(n)- A body organ used for urination, sexual pleasure, and for making important life decisions.
(n)- a Mispronounciation of The Nintendo Wii
1.) Chad, can i fondle with your Wii Wii on Saturday?
2.) Angela, do you have a Wii Wii?
3.) I'm gonna fuck your Wii Wii tommorow.
4.) Hey dad, can i have a Wii Wii for Christmas?
5.) Yes son, i'll get you a Wii Wii for Christmas and you and your friends can play with it.
6.) Let's do some boxing with my Wii wii
7.) Let's bowl with my Wii Wii
8.) Dude your Wii Wii is malfunctioning.
9.) We will play with your Wii Wii on the Wiikend.
10.) Let's have genital to genital connections with your Wii.
by Frank Wensel January 4, 2007
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Something you can't find.
Clueless Shopper, "Where are you're Wii's."

Clerk begins to laugh
by Mr. Morgan December 9, 2007
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