A slang term referring to an individual who works in the sales industry and loves the song "dreamweaver".

Also a person who is overly concerned with his/her appearance.

Similar to Metrosexual
Did you see what the weaver was wearing yesterday?

Don't be such a weaver.
by Richard Candian April 10, 2008
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A word often used to describe a very unethical, very gay act. Slipping a dude a roofie, prison raping him, walking him up and offering him some home made fudge... just wrong on so many levels.
Wow that guy is such a douchebag, yeah but look that giant homo is gonna give him a weaver... hmm tragic
by anonomus 5000 December 7, 2007
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Usually known as the drunkass of the party... likes to accidentally flash people to distract them during beer pong... from the north but not a yankee... believes they are gangsters excuse me gangsta!
by marleyloveshisauntamanda July 16, 2008
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The act (during sexual intimacy) of shaving your partner's pubic region. One then takes the pubic hair recently removed and weaves a basket. Once basket is completed the "weaver" (the one performing the act) then ejaculates into said basket. Once the weaver is spent and expelled of all ejaculate, he then proceeds to pour the warm ejaculate over the head of the "weavee" (the receiver of said act). After the basket is completely empty the weaver then punches the weavee in the face to complete "The Cleveland Weaver".
Guy #1 - "What do you want to do tonight?"

Guy #2 - " I don't know, man. I really want to do some arts and crafts, but I'm really horny and I need to take care of that"

Guy #1 - "Dude just do The Cleveland Weaver!"
by AugmentedMirage April 28, 2013
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The notorious muzzle shaped like a "W"

It is impossible and pointless to fight it because the muzzle will never stop coming back, so it is much easier to submit and accept that God will not save you because he does not exist.

Those who enter the realm of Weaver can be easily spotted due to the Weaver Muzzle that they wear.
Brasil: Hey Jason, I heard cool guys wear muzzles.
Jason: Naw man, I'm fighting the muzzle.
Dustywabbit: You can't fight it Jason. Just submit.
Jason: No! I will never submit!
Weaver: Jason? Did I give you permission to take off the Weaver Muzzle?
Jason: *puts muzzle on* Mmh mmmh mmh mmmmmh. (I'm sorry Ms. Weaver)
Brasil: So it's true. Cool guys do wear muzzles.
Jason: Mmmh mmh mmmh. (Fuck you man)
by BrasilStyle May 19, 2010
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A busty, hella hot, angel. sent from heaven to fuck and please evry worthy man.
omg dude, last night, i fucked a NATALIE WEAVER!
by Derek Wingard January 3, 2011
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Very small, stick-like figure that tend to have a small penis.
matt weaver usually run in an akward fashion, holding onto his belt which he uses solely for the purpose of holding onto. If attacked he will use his only defence mechinism, called the flying squid attack, which involves crossing his arms and using his long fingers to attack.
Matt Weaver is a small weasle like human.Ted
by Admin333 June 16, 2011
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