A guy putting fingers in any hole of a girl but the guy ends up with blue balls
by Bigblackpenis73.5 December 25, 2016
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An absolute simp. Particularly fond of girls who aren't fond of him and use him as an emotional crutch
Here he goes "walshing"again
by Your Dad's dad March 21, 2020
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The greatest coach in any sport at anytime in history. He was the most innovative coach who revolutionized football with his incredible talent and ability to out manuever the other team. He was years ahead of the game and was truly a genius. No one has ever had the impact that Bill Walsh had upon the coaching ranks. He was also a wonderful person off of the field as he spent a lot of time helping others as well as working to get minorities better jobs within football. Stanford was fortunate enough to have Coach Walsh lend his amazing talents to the university. He led the San Francisco 49ers out of the basement to three Super Bowl victories and will forever be treasured by all who knew him.
Bill Walsh was to coaching as Wayne Gretzkey was to hockey.
It's doubtful that there will ever be another coach of Bill Walsh's talents.
by Stephen Welsh August 15, 2007
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Brendan Walsh

Brendan Walsh is the kind of guy that both guys and girls love to be around. Brendan is an extremely amazing guy.

Brendan has long lashes and sky-blue eyes.

Brendan is gorgeous, smart, generous and talented but doesn't show off.

He is one of those unbelievable shy attractive types that has everything going for him.

He has an amazing body, is gentle and kind with a great sense of humor.

Brendan is a leader and always comes up with something fun to do. His mere presence makes others happy and everyone loves to be around him.

Probably the most fun guy you'll meet. Has a great laugh, and sexy smile that make him irresistible.

Making Brendan laugh is the most incredible feeling. Brendan is someone who will always have your back, and will go a thousand miles for someone he cares about.
Even when everything sucks, Brendan can and will make things better.

Brendan has a breathtaking smile. If you've ever made a Brendan smile, you'll find it's one of the best feelings in the world.

Brendan is known for making a cuddle buddy. If you want to feel high and can't afford weed, cuddle with a Brendan, it will have the same effect.
Brendan means Prince in Irish. Pretty fitting since he is also the definition of prince charming.
Girl 1: Jackie is so lucky, she's dating Brendan Walsh.
Girl 2 : What a babe

Girl 1: OMG just thinking about him is making my heart beat so fast right now.
Guy : Me too..
Girl1: Too bad he's taken :(
All three: sigh..
{Brendan} can also be used as a noun:
That guy over there is a total Brendan, like a modern John Wayne. Total stud. He's there for his bros and the ladies love him.

synonyms: perfect, handsome, kind, athletic, fun, smart, hardworking, romantic, charming
Antonyms: lame, boring, douche, 95% of male population
by sasofidasoi December 31, 2013
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One of the worst people you will ever meet. Be very careful around her, especially if she's tall and white.
Grace Walshes tend to be racist, ableist, transphobic, homophobic, everything horrible- you name it.
Pronouns are she/her or nor/mal. Has a major superiority complex. Talks shit to your face and behind your back. Thinks she's the shit but she's really not.
Hey, did you see grace walsh the other day?
Oh yeah, she called me a n***** and laughed in my face.
Ugh, she's such a discharge monkey.
by cmsidiots101 September 26, 2021
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she is one of the best fucking youtubers out there. an amazing and funny human being.
Kennedy Walsh is so hilarious and she’s such a sweet person.
by @kkennedywalsh July 16, 2018
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to pull your sunglasses down sensuously to check out a hot girl while she walks by (like in the opening credits of the classic 90210)
I can't believe that guy just did the Brandon Walsh on me, that is so 90s
by Brandon Walsh October 6, 2009
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