An event marked by, or expressive of tragedy, while simultaneously having magical qualities or outcomes.
My very old dog broke his leg in a moment of joyful frolic, leading to his peaceful euthanization and a tragical end to our long life together.
by sherizny August 2, 2022
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the characteristic of making you sad
It was tragic when the cops busted up the rage.
by Nina July 29, 2003
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1. Originally from Greek drama, tragedy refers to the misery and fall of a potentially great figure because of a flaw ("tragic flaw") that is actually the flip side of what is originally his great strength.
2. In common use nowadays people just use it as a fancy word for "sad".
1. Annakin Skywalker's ambition and skill could have made him the galaxy's greatest Jedi and balancer of the Force, but it led him to the Dark Side and his tragic end as Darth Vader.
2. Giants fans mourned the tragic loss of the World Series last year.
by erm July 18, 2003
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Man 1- I just spent my wage on a whore and now i can't buy food for my family. And i've caught herpes!!!!

Jeremy - That's tragic
by hahaha July 22, 2003
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It's tragic that the president of the U.S. is an ape.
by person yo-yo July 15, 2003
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1. Relating to or characteristic of dramatic tragedy or tragedies.
2. Writing or performing in tragedy.
3. Having the elements of tragedy; involving death, grief, or destruction.
4. When all of your Chee-tos are gone.
"Dad's dead."
"Juliet is dead."
"I feel like I'm dead."
"Chester Cheetah is dead."
by (My Name Here) July 29, 2003
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Noun. Tra-jih-sih-tee
The audacity which stems from being unaware of how tragic one is.
Steve had the tragicity to show up wearing those snakeskin boots with the snake heads on the front that look like little penises.

That outfit, like the insert political party here platform, is a tragicity.
by camdolen November 25, 2012
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