31 definitions by hahaha

v. To refer to getting high via marijuana.

A derivative of getting googley eyed.
Guy 1: Wanna get googled after class?

Guy 2: Yeah you're damn right I do guy.
by hahaha December 30, 2005
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A Sri Lankan who is under the impression that he is black
Man, mernon is such a shrigger.
by hahaha November 3, 2003
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see the kid who never takes off his shirt he prolly has it
by hahaha November 5, 2003
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a word to describe your mother in law
Im marrying your daughter you fat cunt!
by hahaha July 22, 2003
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meaning to have extremly large boobs
my talanas are so big that it hurts my back to carry them
by hahaha February 10, 2003
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