Tonk - The sound emitted from the persons head when struck by a flashlight.
1 - The tonk was apprehended by the police.

2 - And the tonks keep comming.
by AZ Mustangs August 9, 2006
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The official name for throwing stones at a can. Named after the impact sound of a stone hitting a can. In a game of tonk the object being tonked is known as a tonk, but the object doing the tonking is also known as a tonk.

Carpet tonking is not allowed
Gary's committed, I saw him tonking on the beach on Christmas day
by The Big Prune January 31, 2018
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A reference used on internet discussion forums, it describes the sound made by an over zealous or Nazi like moderator when he strikes the 'ban' key to silence another forum member.
For example: "Damn!!!, it looks like BK just TONKED another member..."
by ArizonaFreedomRider January 12, 2005
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A card game popularized by the great Thomas Warhoch II
"Hey lets play some Tonk, I'm down $15 from my other friend"
by Alexjandro September 17, 2008
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A word used to replace 'klutz' (or 'clutz'). It has the same definition of being a clumsy person and is derived from the character of Nymphadora Tonks in the Harry Potter books who was "dead clumsy".
Sister: *walks into supermarket and knocks over a shelf of canned soups* "Crap! I'm sorry.
Brother: *sighs* "You're such a tonks."
by Rina Lam October 13, 2011
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This is a word that has many meaning's. It is a word that can not be told how to use, you simply must learn how to use it.
1. That guy is Tonked as!

2. She's so hot i just want to Tonk the shit out of her!

I'm gonna Tonk her like she's never been Tonked before!

3. Let's go get Tonked

4. Dude I'm so Tonked! (Drunk/Happy/Sad/Excited/Depressed.. etc)

5. I'm gonna Tonk you!!!

6. hahahaha you're such a Tonk
by Milfna July 9, 2010
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