after Having sex and lying on a comfortable bed you just end up falling asleep
by DarfleChorf September 22, 2019
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chloral hydrate, especially when added to an alcoholic drink
They found a bottle of knockout drops in the basement. This made them think that he was using the house to put people to sleep and take their drivers licences.
by Light Joker November 17, 2005
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Take two (or as many as you need) Advil PMs and wait about 30 minutes Or until the effects kick in. Then pull up your favorite porn site and is soon as you finish you’ll be out like a light.
Last night I couldn’t fall asleep so I try to knockout jerk
by Per December 14, 2019
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Faked S@
m@de fun of someone for going through S@
cheated on partner during roleplay
Harassed and bullied individuals over a recoloured arcee
made fake @ccounts claiming them to be c0py cats
" Knockout Prime is a nasty piece of work, all lies and lies"
by Exposingpeeps December 14, 2021
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When you unexpectedly walk into a bathroom that someone has just destroyed with a massive dookie bomb. The initial shock of the pungent odor filling your nose makes you stand stiff as your eyes roll back in your head. If you've ever experienced these symptoms, you were the victim of a Nostril Knockout....and it sucks to be you.

*Note* Old, overweight truckers who eat cloves of garlic whole, are the undisputed kings of the porcelain. It'd take years of training (and junk food) to dethrone them.
*Guy* Dude, I opened the bathroom door and the "Iron" Mike Tyson of poop hit me with a nasty left my nose bleeding?

*Other Guy* You were out for a good 10 seconds, so I called the fight due to Nostril Knockout.
by KingofBattleshits February 19, 2011
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When a man cums on his fist, and punches his sexual partner in the face.
Dude, Jen told me she cheated on me, so during our break up sex, I gave her a knuckle cheese knockout and stole her purse.
by Jizzsaw April 1, 2009
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A manuever that takes place in the early, unsuspecting hours of the morning where a man positions his crotch over the face of the victim, pulls his morning wood down towards his toes and releases it like a catapault . This strike hits the "opponent", obliterates their jaw, and results in a sound resembling a knockout or similar hard hit in a fight.

Most commonly used at house parties, fraternity houses, and bedrooms as punishment to humiliate a person such as an uninvited guest, a tool, or irritating girlfriend who has pissed you off. A quick and easy way to get revenge or show disapproval.
"Last night at the party, Brandon passed out on the couch with his shoes on so Frank woke him up this morning with a 1st Round Knockout."

"Why's Lisa's chin swollen?" "She was a complete cunt to me last night so I got up early this morning just so I could pay her back with a 1st Round Knockout"
"Spiderman her next time"
by Wildman Bill September 11, 2009
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