in english accent
1. the sucking of one's balls in one's sleep or in total consciousness
2. a method of english torture done to both genders at camp
cait: hey guys dara's coming over to bake cookies
brittany: SLUT!! why didn't you invite me? IM GONNA FUCKING TEABAG YOU !!!

by dar&&cait December 13, 2005
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Used to describe a (usually european) person who is extremely proper and formal and loves to have tea parties and be extremely formal in their dress suits and proper language/accent.
person: yo your a teabag man...
teabag: Why, are you talking to me young lad? Would you like to come to a teaparty with me at 1:00 p.m?
person: yea sure B, y not
teabag: Well I must say that is splendid!

a teabag is one of those people that act all stuck up and proper that you just want to slap
by lucx December 22, 2005
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To beat a team so badly that it is almost as embarassing as getting teabagged
Past: Penn Charter football teabagged Haverford 56-0 last week.

Future: Penn Charter is going to teabag Germantown Academy next week and win the championship.

Present: As of now Penn Charter is teabagging the Inter-ac with a record of 4-0
by Tdizzel November 5, 2006
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sticking your big, wrinkley, hairy, old, nut sack and inserting it in someones open mouth while they are sleeping
"ewww dude, theres a fucking pueb in my mouth!!"
by douglas June 15, 2004
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2. An incredibly vile way to drink Caesars (vodka & clamato +), in which the drinker dunks a (clean) tampon into their beverage, and then sucks the beverage from the sodden tampon. The tampon in this case, is the teabag.
Poopsie, much to the horror of all onlookers, dipped his teabag into the drink, and sucked it dry.
by haysoos March 28, 2005
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Simultaneous insertion of the penis AND testicles into ones mouth. This only seems possible with the less fortunatlely endowed males, and/or more talented and generous females.
That bitch loved to suck; she had me teabagged for several minutes before she gave me a reach-around!
by Bradle March 26, 2006
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To dip a liberal scrotum into the mouth of a fellow Democrat while deriving mutual pleasure.
Stop tryin' to talk while you're bein' cup to my teabag.
by Parsifal's cousin July 20, 2009
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