the most grueling activity one can partake in (with the exception of mass murder). Also the only reason Europeans riot.
Soccer is hard to do. I wish there were more riots
by mephisto June 2, 2003
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what most of the world calls football
Tyler: Hey man, do you play soccer?
Taylor: Yeah dude, it's awesome. It takes a lot of skill and practice and it keeps you in good shape.
by whatserface December 22, 2007
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A sport, which, unlike american football or baseball, cannot be interrupted for commercials every 10 minutes and because of that is not seen much (if at all) on American television.
American Football guy: man I can't wait for the superbowl commericals!
Me: sports are not about commercials dumbass, go watch soccer
by tachobg October 27, 2006
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The Real Football, the Round Ball Code,the Beautiful game, The World Game.

it is Football because
1) a ball defined in a dictionary is a sphere
2) the players, kick with their foot, the Goalkeeper is the exception as he/she can catch the ball

Round ball code most definitely requires skills like other sports. It may not be as physical as other football codes, but it still requires some physical strength and a shit load of mental strength.

remember there are 22 players on field, and they have to be control themselves from diving hard, and resist from fighting with the opponents- (they get carded two yellows and get suspended for a game in internationals, while in domestic league it might be two games, depending on how rough the oul or tackle was), they also have to be able to control the ball, judge the distance when they pass a ball to a teammate (and this is kicking not throwing a ball),or when they do free kicks, players have to concentrate on a small goal post, which is rectangular and has the cross bar, players have to know what there teammates are thinking meaning the players have to work together in the sense that they have to know where to go and receive the ball. The ball is not controlled by hands but by the foot, and its not easy kicking a ball in a cold winters day or a sultry hot day and even worse a rainy day, which is hard because the ball is harder to kick on a rainy day. They have offside rule.

to top it off "soccer" or Futbol/ Football is a mentally top game,its the ultimate human game, technology doe not interrupt the game like other football codes. Its better with the injustices and justices of the game because it creates drama and people talk about it!!!

Football is a hard sport, even a player, and there are other professional football players of other football codes saying that football (soccer) players have a lot of talent and are skillful
an AFL player said that his teammate "(... got in goal at one stage and one of their coaches (football coach) took a penalty. Tom (player) has good hands – we know that – but he barely moved as the ball flashed past him. The speed and precision was immense."

by moodism April 1, 2007
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Soccer IS the most popular sport in the world, but In the USA and Canada it is one of the most hated. From the definitions I have read about soccer, people are stereotyping about how people stereotype about soccer. Yes It does take skill, but so does American football, soccer is looked as a pussy sport because there is little contact, and more dives than olympic diving teams. People say you have to run for ever and no football player could ever do that, when they do that for training all the time.

Soccer DOES take skill, but it takes less brawl, and brawl is more attractive to the USA and Canadian citizens, it also is not the sport with the most skill, if anything, paintball/airsoft has the most skill (shooting, running, adjusting to the wind to aim, jumping, dodging, shoulder rolls, conserving ammo, and many more, but thats not this topic)

And I am NOT unfit or fat, I am as a matter of fact in very good athletic shape, I am also not a football or soccer player.
What soccer players think all football players are like,
football guy: Hey soccer sucks I am fat and make fun of soccer because I have no life.

What they are REALLY like
football guy: I hate soccer players, they always wine about us not liking them.

What football players think soccer players are like
soccer guy: I am homosexual, skinny, and would loose in a fight againts my 3 year old sister

What soccer players are actually like
soccer guy: Football players think they are so great just because they can hit people and bench this and do stronger stuff, but they have no skill whatso ever.
by KOSR! TNS November 26, 2006
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An extremely hard sport, if u can run for miles you can play it though.
I can run 8 miles straight, I CAN PLAY SOCCER!
by CPAINE January 5, 2006
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I played soccer for 8 years in the states and as I started playing at higher levels, the sport became less and less fun. A dude would lean on me, I would lean back, and he would fall down holding his shin or some bullshit. Then I would get penalized and the pussy gets rewarded with a free kick. I did not appreciate this system, and quickly moved on to more contact friendly sports.
At the higher level, it pays to be a pussy in soccer.

When combined with low scoring and lots of whining, professional soccer is a big turn off for most Americans. I don't see it catching on anytime soon. While basketball shares the high degree of crying, it has a lot more action.

The amount of bitching and carrying on gives professional soccer players the apperance of being whiny bitches. Coincidentally, homosexuals are also whiny bitches and this makes soccer players look like fags. If you meet an American who says he doesn't think soccer players are fags, he is either lying or he is a fag.
Watch a world cup soccer game. Their will be like 20 examples of guys falling down holding their legs and crying to the refs. I love how they always have the trainer run out to pretend that the player is hurt and rub an icepack somewhere. 30 seconds later the dude gets up and he's fine. That is a crybaby!

Either you are injured, or you are not injured. If you are not injured, the game should not be stopped so you can bitch and whine while we all wait for the action to start back up.
by SDRyan June 11, 2006
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