Everyone else has this wrong. To share so much weed with a friend that they no longer want to smoke anymore on that occassion. They are "out".
I smoked him out so fat he feel asleep...so i bounced
by HCastle October 8, 2007
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To make someone laugh, alot.
Dan: I was smoking someone out last night at the bar, he just would not stop laughing!
Jamie: Shit son!
by /GREEN/ May 23, 2010
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"My wife and I played a mean game of "Smoke Em Out of the Holes last night", I think we broke a lamp."
by YourMamma May 12, 2007
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Where marijuana smoke is blown into the anus of another to achieve an intoxicated state. Two fingers are used to spread the anus and then smoke is blown into the anus with or without lip/tongue contact.
Yo, white boy my throat is hella sore. Can you smoke my back out?
by William Schultzaburger January 3, 2014
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Mark: “yo it’s national smoke your friend out day

Carson: “oh word what does that mean”

Mark: “roll a doob
by notbigmike2 February 12, 2021
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Knocking someone out with a gun, they look like a smoking blown out gasket in a kai soul.
Guy 1: Yo Devonte got smoked out!!
Guy 2: You saw that dude hit him with a gun, yo boy is smoking!!
by Ghost.Corpse October 28, 2023
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when you provide all or majority of the weed when smoking with a friend or friends
Boy: I smoked out Robert today
Girl: Jeez, how much weed was it?
Boy: 3 gs
by picklesauce March 13, 2020
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