Someone older than you that you look up to dearly, or you crush is senpai because you look up to them but only if there old than you
Ashley - Hey Lexi Look Aric =_=

Lexi - Shut the FUCk up @shley
Lexi - don’t you dare even talk about senpai
Ashley - Dude your a freshman he’s a senior

Lexi- SO?!

1 Week Later

Ashley - I who's that girl with Aric

Lexi - *cries in corner*

I lost the game 😪 sorry......
by Todoro_ki July 28, 2019
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Word used to describe someone superior than you. You are in love with them cos they are hot. Your heart explodes into millions of pieces when they glance at you and you stalk them home to see what they eat for dinner.
Omg, Senpai had ramen last night
by Goldenlinings December 28, 2016
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a: Senpai : some who never notice you
yandere chan has a shrine of senpai and enjoys licking the teeth marks of the apple senpai bit into
B: i hope senpai notices me

C: i will kill every one so i can have senpai for my self
by soul_eater0511 September 18, 2015
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The black haired guy in Yandere Simulator. Also your crush and an upperclassman.
Senpai will be mine.

He doesn't have a choice.
by EllieStickmin October 9, 2016
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A guy (or gal) whom you want to be inside of you. Yes, it is Sexual ;)
by _barb213 April 4, 2017
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He who will never notice you. It doesn't matter how many friends you have, where you work, what you do at home, how many Valentine's Day cards you give him, or even how many people you kill. HE WON'T NOTICE YOU.
Notice me Senpai! No? Alright, who do I kill next?
by Intelligence001 August 17, 2016
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"senpai please come fuck me in the ass owo owo uwu nya nya meow ara ara"
by jan3h8er March 18, 2021
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