A term used to congradulate someone or oneself for having come up with the ultimate put-down or having done something waaaay cool! Usually accompanied by holding up the hands in a goal-post formation.
Once, when we were on a band trip, one of our buses broke down at a gas station. The sign outside said, "Baby Chicks Are Here!" We were playing Truth or Dare and somebody got dared to go out and change to the sign to say, "Chicks Are Here, Baby!" They did, and a guy in a passing car honked as he drove past! SCORE!!!


We got to march our band right down the middle of Times Square in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! SCORE!!!


(Referring to a former choir director whose van wouldn't start, thus holding us up, in the middle of a tour because he left the lights on while we went inside and ate:) He's the only man I know who could mess up a one-man funeral procession! SCORE!!!
by Hallie Corson September 23, 2004
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a term used to describe french kissing.used by teenagers in dublin, and mainly associated with "d4s." it can also mean to have sex with someone, but mainly an older crowd would use it in this context.
Girl 1: did you score anyone last night?
Girl 2: yeah, but they were just randomers, like.
by K2dT August 17, 2008
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used in dublin,ireland by the d4's(the south posh side of dublin) and people who arent knackers or chavz or whateva to makeout,snog,french kiss etc.!
and meet is used by knackers! its not weird to ask some one the most random people come up to u and is lyk willl ya score me!!
Dude:Hey will you score me?
girlie: eh... ok
....... they score
Girlie: omg !! i just lyk scored that dude!!
dude : ahhh that wz gr8 she wz a ride just scored her
Friends of girlie: omg hes hot!
friends of dude : not bad dude
by dublin April 7, 2008
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money the price of an eighth of hash .
how much did you get that nodge for 'he gave it to me for score'
by steveo ireland February 3, 2005
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A word to describe '£20'
£20 20 quid
''can i borrow a score''
by Holly March 31, 2005
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How many points you have so far in a game or sport.
Announcer Dude- We are at the 23rd Annual Archery Contest. The Undefeated Champion, Shawn B., is going against Monkeylegs McSlaughsson for the Pallas Trophy. The score now is 36-8, with Shawn B. in the lead.......
by Shawn B. May 9, 2003
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