the worst team in baseball. so bad they have been around since the 1890's and still only have 7 world series rings. just got swept by the yankees and are now going to miss the playoffs. their fans are the most envious in the world. jealous of the yankees and always bitching about their payroll when the red sox have the 3rd largest in mlb. one of their players got 41 lobsters from Maine but he doesnt even know where Maine is. this team blows so much and wont win another world series for another 86 years while the yankees will win 30 more during that time. only have 2 players that would start for the yankees. David Ortiz takes steroids and wouldnt be shit if he was still with the twins.
Kid: hey im a red sox fan
Me: sorry
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The team whose fans consider 'the best team in baseball' because they win an average of 1 world series every 83 years.
The Red Sox finally won the World Series after nearly a century. They rock!
by nation161 March 20, 2006
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a has-been baseball team rumored to be cursed by Babe Ruth since the team back in 1918 sent him to the New York Yankees.
by Anonymous September 13, 2003
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fuckin worst team in baseball, bunch of lazy ass shits that don't play up to there capabilities.
Yankee can kick bostons ass back to the stone age cuz thats where it looks like they all came from.
by bleehhhh August 6, 2005
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One of the most famous baseball teams in the world!!!!
Yeah.. They havent won in 86 years but they did it in 2004! i dont care if some New yorkers consider it a fluke.... it will happen again. Dont get me wrong, Yankees are a good team with loyal fans(how could you not be when you win all the time with players you buy) but look at how loyal Red sox fans are, 86 YEARS since a victory and there still thousands of fans, that takes DEDICATION.
by Anonamous April 25, 2005
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Suck Yankees cocks
pathetic excuse for human beings
red sox winning this year was an absolute fluke that will NEVER happen again. Yankees are coming back and the curse has NOT been lifted.
by yankee fan November 16, 2004
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A team that has very little talent. extremely hypocritical. They boast about how the yankees have the biggest salary ever when their salary cap isnt all that far off. They only have two good players on the team. Manny Ramirez has been trying to get out of boston fro 3 yeras now becasue he cant stand the franchise, but likes money so goes to big high paying boston for his paycheck. David Ortiz is the only star of the team, buts its unfortunate that hell never shine the way he deserves in a city that is fuckin stupid.

Than fan base for boston is usually dumb irish scum who grew up not knowing there was an "R" in the alphabet. They all think that they are part of the REd Sox becasue they have a red sox nation card. Theyve only become even worse than yankee fan. so much that they drive out talent like...say...johnny damon.

Some of their biggest momments in their history include falling second almost every time in the AL EAST, getting kicked out of the palyoffs by th yankees at a 5:1 ratio, giving up babe ruth. allowing billbuckner to play 1st base, and losing 5 in a row to the yankees and crash and burn to 3rd place in the AL east in the 2006 season
i love the red sox wicked haad coooaaa.
by j3rs3y October 3, 2006
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