a guy who LOVES to chomp down on a ton of fat juicy dick.

he specializes in getting the balls nice and soberly.
a guy: you are really good at sucking dick Reagan!
Reagan: gurrfg!
by wack_1 November 15, 2021
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Reagan - something define as small, tiny, itty bitty, petite, etc.
Wow look at that Reagan orange, its so cute.

What size shirt do you wear?

A Reagan.
by cshurtz October 21, 2011
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Reagan is that kind of boy that likes to play jokes on you. He loves to play sports and is a gentleman. He likes to laugh and usually has hazel brown eyes. Reagan is the kind of boy that doesn't just get with any girl, he likes to find the right one. He is a loving, caring and the most unique person you will ever meet. His favorite color is usually blue and sometimes likes to sleep in. Reagan is really smart but, when it comes to school he's not the brightest but, if you ever meet a Reagan never let them go cause it's really hard to do that.
Never leave a Reagan
by Heyitsme... April 15, 2018
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Going through a full 24 hours without making a single mistake
I have been reaganing since 4 o' clock yesterday!
by henaug October 22, 2010
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One of America's greatest Presidents. Presided over immense prosperity resulting from his informed and effective policies. Great communicator, effective diplomat and well versed on the issues. Mindless liberals who have no clue about economics and foreign policy despise him.
He beat that thief like Reagan beating Mondale.
by Mr. Conservative, II February 22, 2013
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A girl who doesn’t realize how pretty she is. Super kind. Works hard. Wants a boyfriend but never gets one. Most of the time has tiktok or Instagram. And gets bored really quick so try to keep her entertained. Super athletic. Loves to do dance,(from personal experience). Wants to be one of the popular kids. Has a lot of friends. Wants to be the spot light. And definitely a daddy’s girl.
Guy 1: wow that girl Reagan is really athletic and strong.
Guy 2: I know right. That’s the kind of girl I want.
Guy 1: back off she’s my target.
by Jimmy jone Jeff March 9, 2020
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always loves a bit of fun. can make anyone love him. his casually handsome. loves hitting the clubs with mates. girls find him attractive and handsome
i saw that Reagan kid at the club last night. he really knows how to drink.
by reagan (male) May 29, 2017
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