A super secret code word that allows you to talk about porn in school.
Kid: Did you see that cool pron last night
Other Kid: Oh yeah I did
Teacher: What could they be talking about?
by PronMaster69 August 30, 2019
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When your penis is cut in half because you're masturbating too much.
I was pronned because my parents saw me fapping
by duckmaster45 December 16, 2019
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That porn that you find on youtube that ain't porn
Yo, man, I was watching that pron last night. It sucked dick, which is something I don't do lololol.
by tttunicman June 24, 2019
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Pron is another way to say Gay Porn

Pron is also spelled Pr0n.

Pr0n / Pron = Gay Porn
Woah! Dude lets go watch that Pron I just downloaded!
by Matt Nev February 13, 2006
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The word zoo meaning animals, and pron for
"pr0n, and its spelled this way so that it doesn't show up when someone searches the word "porn". "
equals animal sex.
Wow! YC really likes watching zoo pron!
by xlr8tor123 May 4, 2010
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A disease where you slowly grow shrooms on your cock and you start to transform into a mushroom yourself
Ay you heard that Chris has Prons Disease.
Isn't that were you get shrooms on your cock? Yea it is.
by MightyAman April 21, 2022
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The unmade porn version of TRON Legacy.
The main character, Sam, is exploring the merits of the internet when he accidentally gets drawn in himself.
TRON fan: I can't wait for someone to make PRON Legacy!

Friend: Errr.....
by Beardy Bender 2 November 30, 2010
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