Boobs with hair protruding from the nipple such that a pom-pom effect is made.
I was about to do this girl, but then i saw her pom-pom tits.
by Alex March 15, 2005
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the moldy, white substances found in or near a woman's vagina.
by luvs2spoogealot March 2, 2012
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An attack in which one beats the chest of another male in the way of fearsome primates such as donkey kong. The fearsome jitsu was the predecessor to the labak .
by therealkaddi May 7, 2018
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When one girl motorboats or flashes her boobs at another girl during a fiber festival or cheerleading event.
Dawn had fun tossing pom-poms at Jodi in her excitement over knowing a vendor at the event.
by bandersnatch1978 October 16, 2010
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A Jamaican slang word whose meaning is Vaginal Hair
Yo, man dat bitch had her pom pom bush stickin' out her bikini
by Ari Levin April 17, 2008
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Too Cool for me to hang out with. One Who won't sit at lunch with another. Also can be used as Poms.
That Katy Pom Pom (Poms) is too cool for me.
by Brett Thompson February 14, 2005
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Pom pom girls wear skimpy outfits at sporting events and perform sexy dance routines. They are basically the highschool or collegiate version of strippers. They often wear lots of make-up and push-up bras.
Are those strippers on the football field? Oh wait, it's just the pom pom girls.
by oulinda February 12, 2011
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