The original (or new, however you wish to view it) tiny thick dick. Often used to describe the lulz factor of a specific man's baby dick. Usually used as a derogatory term.

Though I cannot see how it could be used as a compliment. You'd have to be batshit crazy.
"Kellsie, you should've seen it! His Pizza Hut Pizza Roll dick was so small, I'm not even sure I was penetrated!"

"Dude, get some Enzyte! You have a Pizza Hut Pizza Roll cock!"

"Am I crazy in thinking this is a room full of naked men with Pizza Hut Pizza Rolls for dicks or are you all just really really cold?
by BlasphemerExtrordinare June 26, 2009
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When a group of friends or siblings insist on dividing up the pizza rolls equally
“Everyone gets five pizza rolls because in this house we practice pizza roll communism
by Mr.marz May 29, 2021
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It's a sentence that you say to confuse others
"Hey man how, how's it goin?"

"pizza roll in the oven"

"oh, okay?"
by December 15, 2020
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When you run out of ranch, so you and your buddies make some homemade dipping sauce.. kind of like a soggy waffle, whoever is last has to use the homemade ranch with the fresh Pizza rolls
Me, Zane, Chase, Conner, and Bryce played a game of “eating pizza rolls”.. Zane ended up with a full belly.
by BigBaby101 November 5, 2017
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When you put a microwaved pizza roll into your mouth and it’s too hot, but instead of spitting it out you just hold it into your mouth while your inner cheeks slowly melt
Chris was in pizza roll hell when he stuck a piping hot pizza roll into his mouth before it cooled
by totinosdevil June 2, 2018
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